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Tom Merritt Brian Brushwood Casey McKinnon the first two seasons of the show are free here after ...

G+_Robert Carlos

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I was strongly considering sending my DVDs to one of you folks (Tom Merritt, Brian Brushwood, Casey McKinnon  as a loaner when Brian was all "Don't be sending us DVDs.") I'm still willing to do that, though.


Sadly, thanks to the conversion from the telecined broadcast version to the DVDs, the show isn't even at full DVD quality throughout. All scenes with no effects are mastered from film - and even legitimately in widescreen (the show was broadcast 4:3, but the 35mm film was used for live action filming.) Any scenes with effects (CGI set extension, PPG blasts, external CGI out a window, or total exterior space shots) are taken from the original and blown up (top and bottoms cropped) to make it 16:9.


They made the best of a bad situation trying to make the show work on DVD. Sadly, to the best of my knowledge, the assets just don't exist to bring the show into the realm of HD.


It's just a bit jarring when the show goes from a fantastic-looking shot of characters talking to an extremely blurry blown-up shot of the same characters because it's going to dissolve to another scene which will have effects in it.


Still, the story is awesome. Worth it.

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