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Good review ?

G+_Richard Sequeira

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The ramblings as you say it are added perspectives on the history of HTC One, for the understanding of viewers who didnt have a clue.


Technically, this review is on par with the kind of reviews we get from Android Central, Pocketnow, Android Authority or Technobuffalo (without their more sophisticated production).


I have to admit though that this is not a typical before you buy review.

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Can you really say viewers "who didn't have a clue about the history of the HTC One" would be watching this segment. I mean it is what it is, and this wasn't my cup of tea. But again, to label it a "buy" if you're not concerned about the camera to me comes off too much like she's trying not to piss off her "friends" at HTC. At best, this should've been labeled as a "try".

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