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The review of the 11 " Acer S7 in the latest episode was a bit disappointing

G+_Michael Dart

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The review of the 11" Acer S7 in the latest episode was a bit disappointing. The entire review was spent in the Desktop, and the main complaints were of the "resolution being too high". But, this is only half the story. The resolution is too high, but only for the desktop. The Metro side of Windows 8 was built from the ground up to handle high-res screens (see the link to Building Windows 8). But, this wasn't mentioned. I think TWiT needs to give equal time to Metro and Desktop when reviewing. But, as it stands, I think this review only told half the story.


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But I do care about the new Windows 8 apps, as this is clearly the future of Windows. But, they dinged the whole laptop because of the high res screen in desktop mode. They should have gone one step further and spoken about the resolution in Metro, as I'm sure is a plus.


The desktop will always be a necessity for power users. But, I have Windows 8, and I see big potential with Windows Store Apps.

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I was really worried that Metro was going to take off and force Apple's hand on the Mac desktop.  However, from everything I'm reading, especially within the past week, it's doing much worse than expected.  I think if I were thinking about buying a PC right now, I'd be more concerned with desktop performance too as that Metro layer might turn into BOB in a year or so.

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One only has to look at the cannibalized sales of the PC industry in comparison to the rising sales of the iPad to realize that full screen, easy to use apps are the future, and MS is hedging its bets on a combined OS, Lou.  I think techies are the minority, and desktops are shrinking and will continue to do so.  Laptops and tablets are the dominant platform.  We will see if others share your sentiment in the next 5 years about never using a tablet OS on a laptop.

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Shannon Morse , thanks! I do totally agree with you that 1920x1080 at 11" is far too dense for the Windows Desktop.


But, what honestly is keeping Microsoft from making their Desktop mode "retina" like Apple did on the rMBP? Really, there aren't too many variations of these under 12" laptops with dense screens. Come up with a way forward for the manufacturers so that they can have a super sexy, pixel dense laptop (like this S7) that looks good in Metro AND Desktop.

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