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Hey guys i need help, helping customers with thier Ipad Andriod tablets and phones

G+_Hector Sotomayor

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What does "good parenting" have to do with parental controls on electronics? Unless you're watching their every move, there is a very good chance they'll go place or install things they're not supposed to. And if you're watching their every move, that is not "good parenting."

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You are absolutely right that good parenting isn't watching every little move. Good parenting is teaching your kids what's right and wrong and teach them to make good decisions on their own. I grew up on a computer, started learning DOS at 4 years old and was online by 6. My parents never needed to lock me out our put up parental controls. They taught me what was ok and not ok to be doing and since they are effective parents, it worked. Lets be real, if a kid wants to do something bad enough, they will find a way regardless of parental controls. It's better to teach them to learn to make the right decisions on their own.

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Even if you teach them all the rights and wrongs that doesn't mean they'll follow it. Chances are they won't. Like you said, they're going to get around anything you try, but to say someone isn't a good parent because they want to try parental controls is ignorant. 

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Hector-use the parental controls to restrict the ratings of content, whether they can access the youtube app, install apps, make in app purchases, etc. THEN, look into Open DNS (opendns.org). By registering and changing the DNS addresses in your router config, you can greatly reduce the inadvertent viewing of "undesirable" content.

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As it was never my intent to take over this thread, this will be my last reply. All I am saying is that the onus is on the parents to determine whether or not their child will do the right thing and make the right choices. If the parents don't believe the child will do the right thing, then you don't give them a tool to facilitate them doing the wrong thing.

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