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So Google+ Local has a new slogan - "Places you 'll love, from people you trust "

G+_Chris McIntosh

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Mark Fogle it's coming up as the second result for me with personal results turned off after People You Trust Productions, which I guess is fair.


I wonder if we'll ever see those results tweaked just a tad to see Google Local get a bump. I don't know how popular a search term that is so I don't know if it would be worth Google's reputation to 'adjust' the results. Right now Local is at seven.

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The 'from people you trust' part of the slogan has always irked me. There was a discussion on Windows Weekly many years ago on 'Don't be Evil'*. You should really know not to be evil, it's completely superfluous. I understand where the slogan is coming from but you don't need to tell me that you're not evil, or that I can trust you. That's generally a bad sign.


*Paul's analogy was along the lines of if you're at a party and someone says 'this is a great party' - you'd only say that if you're trying to convince someone you're having fun, if you're having a great time then you don't need to say it.

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