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Maybe TWiT should have covered the Surface event today Feels like a pretty big deal Very cool l...

G+_Mohsin Qazi

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It looks like a big step forward on the hardware but the software is still muddied by lack of enthusiasm from developers. Adobe is not ready to release Photoshop with Touch. Office is waiting to be released. Weighing it against the Macbook Air was not fair unless they included the keyboard and cover. This is still a wait and see product. MS has to get developers back on board.

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It looks like a big step forward on the hardware but the software is still muddied by lack of enthusiasm from developers. Adobe is not ready to release Photoshop with Touch. Office is waiting to be released. Weighing it against the Macbook Air was not fair unless they included the keyboard and cover. This is still a wait and see product. MS has to get developers back on board.

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They definitely should have covered it. Leo said if it's just a new surface (mini, at the time) then it's not worth it. I've mentioned it elsewhere, when Apple were going to release the iPad mini, there was speculation, and reviews for weeks either side of the announcement. Although I do understand that apple drives traffic like no-one else.


I think Panos Panayi is an excellent presenter, so the presentation was going to be interesting, at least.


To be fair, after he showed the type cover he connected it to the Surface on the balance and, as you might expect, it hardly moved.


At least some of the bigger software releases (Photoshop/Office) are getting there, and not just speculation, which is encouraging. Does this device just cement Microsoft's strategy of having the Desktop and the Start Screen? There could almost be three versions of Win8 - RT just for tablets, a desktop only version, and the hybrid version we have now, as the device is designed to cover the needs of a tablet and a laptop.

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Vincent Ferrari  I think TWiT (the network) are trying to play both sides. The try and say that the they have a tech-savvy discerning audience, yet they show the keynotes to all the popular choices. There is a claim of non-bias to any one company, but there doesn't seem to be equal representation.


From a rumour, and purely from the tech on show (and the narrative they were trying to sell), I think the presentation should have been shown on TWiT - they were even live streaming it allowing for a more thorough discussion.


I completely understand that Apple are playing in a different league, it was even noted during the Surface announcement how many people have Macbooks. I think Leo feels not too many people are excited by a Surface announcement, but it seems as if TWiT is making that decision for us.


+Jeff Stevens I have only seen Panos Panayi during the Surface launches, and he is an excellent, confident enthusiastic presenter.

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