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"Stay hungry, stay foolish "

G+_Ben Brown

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"Stay hungry, stay foolish". Every once in a while I stop and remember the man that sparked my passion for technology. Steve Jobs set out on a lifelong mission to humanize technology, the world has never been the same sense.

He didn't invent the personal computer, the personal music player, the phone or the tablet computer but in every case he and Apple made them great.

The story of Steve Jobs and Apple is so extraordinary that it puts even Disney's best film to shame. If someone told the story of Apple to a person who had never heard of this company, I swear that person would think that this is a fairytale.

This is a salute to the man who changed the world of technology forever. ?

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Apple just claims to have invented everything and has the giant legal staff to prove it. They are certainly masters of marketing


Today's computers are the culmination of numerous inventions by companies like IBM, Texas Instruments, Atari, Apple and numerous inventors. To say that Apple and/or Steve Jobs are primarily responsible for developing them is misleading, and I wouldn't claim that Google, Samsung, or even individual innovators like Linus Torvald are responsible for "making them great".


I agree with you that Steve Jobs (and his fellow Apple developers that you aren't mentioning) is one of the major players in today's computer realm. I'm just tweaking your semi-reverent tone.

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