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Lately it seems that TWiT has turned into "This week in comcast "

G+_Jordan Tristan

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I think it's a big issue. I also an not in the US and so don't fully understand the competition landscape. Some of the things that Leob suggest would be bad (like not counting usage to certain sites/services) happens here and it makes for interesting competition point but we have competition.


As long as Leo always mentions his slight conflict of interest (which he does).


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I understand why our international audience would get tired of a US-centric view of tech... but the Comcast/Net Neutrality story is NOT a regional story.


If the FCC has their way, it would fundamentally change the way peering is done between networks. Network providers, especially the ones with a vested interest in keeping you on THEIR networks (NBC/Comcast) would now have free reign to break the free-flow of traffic across their network interconnects. In other words... the Internet would stop being the Internet and devolve into dozen of AOL-like "walled gardens". 


Now you may say, "but I'm not in the US... so why do I care?", but how many of the services that you access on the Internet are located in the US? How many of the apps that you enjoy on your phone are HQ'd in the states? How much of your data in the cloud passes through links that currently run though the fiber or copper of a US carrier? What products that you enjoy were birthed on an Internet that DIDN'T discriminate against the little guy?


Going beyond that, what do you think is going to happen to international ISPs once they have to start navigating a maze of additional fees and ISP-specific arrangements to give you the "full" internet? 


Quite simply... the current peering policy is what allows the Internet to exist. Break it... and we no longer have the Internet.


This isn't just a US story.




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