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Heart Warming Gesture By Leo Laporte On The Tech Guy Today

G+_George Byers

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The iPad 1 was woefully underpowered (actually RAM limited). As an iOS dev, I really think it's a tech issue. 3 years ago tablets couldn't do what we want them to do now so not sure Apple can totally be blamed here. Making progress at this pace means things will be left behind; sad but true.

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Good on Leo. I just had to retire my first gen iPad last week due to it no longer charges.


It's frustrating that a 3 year old device will fail like this. Also the writing apps that my kids use have updated to only support IOS 6 or later do my first gen iPad lost the main reason I purchased it in the first place.

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Nice gesture but .... Which is worse not being able to do something or getting a lousy service because the hardware isn't capable of doing a good job?

The end point of the policy Leo advocates I'd the Win XP end of life situation? I have had people looking to buy XP computers so they can run heritage software and hardware( serial port coffin lid nameplates) because the authors are too lazy to recode for USB and 7!

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