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IMO TNT is very dry and boring now

G+_Wicky Wicklet

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IMO TNT is very dry and boring now. I do not like the new set up it feels way to structured and scripted almost. I was listening to ep. 932 and they are finally having a good discussion with a guest and mike cuts him off short and say we have to go. Not sure why he did that seems to be afraid of going over that 30 min mark per episode. I just thought it was rude towards the guest and also didn't do Mike any favors. I used too tune in because it was like listening to my friends and I talk about tech and it was fun and conversational. Now it's dry, boring and not nearly as informational IMO. If anyone wants the feel of the old TNT you should listen to Daily Tech News Show or dtns. It's Tom Merritt and friends. They are still getting a format together but it's good. And has been my TNT replacement.

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Tyler Masters  We're evolving the format. We're also going to primary sources and getting in interviewees who are actively reporting the stories for the world's major publications. In both cases, we're trying to get information beyond what's generally reported in the echo chamber. We're also short-staffed by one, which is something we're working on. 


Regarding the "ratings and reviews" of TNT, we're actually getting overwhelmingly positive comments. There is still some minor grumbling, such as this post. But overall, people are very positive about the direction we're going in. 


Thanks for your feedback, everyone. We're getting there!

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The current TNT needs a lot of work. It's getting there, but I have to agree, the delivery is very dry and monotone. It's just Elgan's style. No one can change how the man reads the news. Good or bad it's just what it is.


Teaming Sarah and Mike together for the new TNT, maybe is not a very good fit. Sarah is bright, cheery, and quick. She has years of experience in front of the camera and it shows. Mike is an excellent news guy. He is a writer. An editor. But he does not have the on camera personality that matches Sarah's and that is hurting the show.


Nothing against either one of them. Both are doing an excellent job. It's just that adjustments need to be made to make this work. They will find it, I am sure.

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Mike Elgan thanks for the response. I know this is still evolving and I'm not trying to troll or anything. I was just giving my opinion and thoughts and I am still a loyal listener of TNT and other twit programs. I appreciate the more in depth and focused reporting and getting people on with great insight into specific parts of the news. Instead of keeping it under thirty minutes if your have a great discussion on a certain topic just let it go and carry on. I will listen an extra 15 or 30 minutes or so when the conversation is good. I have faith you and everyone at twit will work hard to make TNT better everyday. And I do appreciate all the hard work everyone is doing. ?

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I'm having a hard time watching it myself these days I find Mike a little "old school news" like all serious ridged and scripted where Tom and Iaz had good chemistry with the guests and other hosts not just interviews .

While I understand this is news and is being reported I'm also thinking of unsubscribing from tnt because it's not what I like about the twit network any more. Not taking things to seriously...

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