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Apple accounts at least outside of the US lacking two factor authentication

G+_Greg M

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Apple accounts at least outside of the US lacking two factor authentication.


Originally shared by Greg M


It has been almost 4 months since Apple announced that they supposedly will implement 2 factor authentication.


I say supposedly because when it was announced I started the process off and told Apple Canada that I wanted two factor authentication on my Apple ID. Two weeks later I received and email that the wait was over and I could proceed. I went to my account security page and looked and looked for the option and could not find it. Seems that Apple still has yet to implement two factor authentication on their Apple IDs. 


Seems Apple needs a big security breach of an account that receives a lot of publicity. Oh wait I think that happened with Matt Honan whose account was breached and well publicized. 


Is Apple to busy with developing new hardware and can not devote enough programming effort to secure ALL of their end user accounts with two factor authentication? Surely to god they do not need another wack up the side of the head in the form of another well publicized security breach. One I would of thought would of been enough to light a fire under them.

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