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So I know this is an Android show but I had to share

G+_Greg Mcverry

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So I know this is an Android show but I had to share. Playing with an Xperia with FirefoxOS installed. So far I kind of like it mainly bc it still has so many bugs. 


There are no apps in the Marketplace but it reminds alot of the early days of Android when I was trying to hack together a Nook with Eclair and then Froyo.


I miss the fun of the more open days of Android. Granted my phone works so much better now but being stuck on Verizon (family reasons) I lost any chance of hacking my phone.


The one thing I have really liked with the FireFoxOS is how there is nothing I cannot change on the phone down to the core operating system. Hacking is a feature not a bug,


I still have to carry around another phone to be able to get anything done but its a start.

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I feel like with the 6p having that indicator that the boot loader has been unlocked once, Android is getting just as locked down as iOS. I've also considered having an unlocked rooted Xposed phone to play and a stock version for official stuff like Android Pay and bank apps etc. I just don't know which one should be the expensive phone.

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