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I have a problem and maybe you guys can help me out, just as an FYI I 've done my resurch and it...

G+_Razelda Peacecraft

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I have a problem and maybe you guys can help me out, just as an FYI I've done my resurch and it got me no whare, so this is my last thing to try before i say to tell with it i'll just to to versions of the app..


I work for a local company out here, we use XXCopy all the time, to move files that we've cloned to another Hard Drive, when you do that you have to take Ownership of the Files and then give full controle to the user, and then copy them with XXCopy it's a Long prosscess to get done some times up to 24 + hours if i start a the Begining of my shift by the time i'm going home that night I maybe will be another 2 hours away from starting the Copying prosscess, so i desided that i could build a C# app that Did it all in phases then when i go home that night I know that it will be done by morning 


so as you should know when you program as a 32 bit application and you need that program to accsess the system32 folder on a 64 bit system widows redirectes it to the sysWOW64 folder. So when i googled it i found a few posable solutions like using Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection but when i use it, it still dose not find the xxcopy.exe in the system32 folder even thought i know its there. so i did some more resurch and found a post where they said that you can use sysnative but the 32 bit program still dose not find it, if i compile it as a 64 bit app then it finds it just find ... i would like to keep it as one app that can be used on both 64 Bit and 32 bit OSes and to be able to keep it as a Small exacutable that gets the job done.  #csharp  

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