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Google Seeks Taxpayer Bailout

G+_Awais Bajwa

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Google Seeks Taxpayer Bailout


Government subsidy of Google's solar thermal plant in the cards.  I guess Google's "do no evil" motto does not extend to crony capitalism.  Sounds like Solyndra II.  If Google wants to try new technology we should all applaud them, but not at taxpayer expense.  They are too profitable to be subsidized.  Another example of why government should not be trying to pick winners and losers.




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It's not fraud if it's legal Mike Trieu but let me be clear, I don't approve of going around swindling good people who simply don't know better. But that is not the case here, not at all.


What we have here are politicians creating legislation that borders on lunacy for the purpose of lining their own pockets. That make them more than opportunistic. That makes them criminals. But again it is not the legislators that I blame here. They are not the idiots. Make no mistake, then are fully aware that they are destroying not just America's but the entire world economy. 


The real idiots here are those who keep re-electing them to office, over and over again. The sad part is that it's not just a bunch of uneducated fools voting these criminals into office. People with college degrees are just as guilty, probably more so because they should know better.


When I say I have no problem taking advantage ... this is what I'm talking about. I feel no guilt for taking advantage of fools who are too educated to claim they didn't understand they were being taken advantage of.


Also, I don't hold any animosity against the so called 1%. They are simply people who have managed to get very wealthy in spite of the system, not because of it. They are not the ones pulling the strings of world finance. I feel sorry for those who think that to be the case. They are being mislead. The number of people with real power is probably closer to 1% of the 1%ers.

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Randy Hudson? I appreciate the use of punctuation that most nonsensical rants tend to lack but all of this reads as contradiction and back peddling.


I don't know the facts behind this story so I won't comments on it but you may want to clarify your point. Let's not blur the thick bold line between moral and legal.

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Here is a second source:


At Ivanpah Solar Power Plant, Energy Production Falling Well Short of Expectations http://breakingenergy.com/2014/10/29/at-ivanpah-solar-power-plant-energy-production-falling-well-short-of-expectations/


This article refers to additional sources --


On September 29, the Platts trade newsletter Megawatt Daily explored Ivanpah’s status, but its article was and remains hidden behind a very high paywall. The article noted that the trio of Ivanpah owners had sought extensions on repaying their loans as they waited to receive a cash grant from the U.S. Treasury worth 30 percent of the plant’s cost (news first reported inthe Wall Street Journal)


The trio of owners includes Google.


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