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What One Iranian Nuke Could Do - Time to Protect Our Electric Grid

G+_Awais Bajwa

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What One Iranian Nuke Could Do - Time to Protect Our Electric Grid


... one nuclear warhead detonated at orbital altitude over the United States would black out the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for months or years by means of the electromagnetic pulse it would create. The Congressional EMP Commission assessed that a nationwide blackout lasting one year could kill nine of 10 Americans through starvation and societal collapse. Islamic State-like gangs would rule the streets.


North Korea already has this capability.


from R. James Woolsey former director of central intelligence and chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Peter Vincent Pry is executive director of the EMP Task Force, and served in the EMP Commission, the Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA.


#electricgrid   #EMP  


Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar/2/r-james-woolsey-peter-vincent-pry-when-iran-goes-n/#ixzz3TeS3FrJr 

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Douglas Jenkins From the article --

Iran’s progress toward having a nuclear weapon that can be orbited or delivered by a long-range missile will not be halted by the concession-rich compromises proposed by the administration’s arms control negotiators in Geneva. North Korea already has this capability. As it appears now, Iran will have it before long.

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Peter Phillips As a technology fan, I think we need to support an upgrade to our electricity grid to harden it against an EMP attack. It is something that can be done, but no one is thinking about it or realizes it is a problem.? If we have a technology vulnerability that is addressable, folks that love tech need to become aware.

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