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Hyperloop "Local " Build to Start in the Coming Year

G+_Awais Bajwa

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Hyperloop "Local" Build to Start in the Coming Year


One has to ask:  why is Jerry Brown and the State of #California  investing in a bullet train when they could be investing in state of the art technology like the hyperloop which is unlikely to need government subsidies?


#hyperloop    #train  


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In California, this project (meaning the bullet train) is widely seen as a boondoggle by most people. A colossal waste of money at a time when the state is completely broke.  

It's also widely understood that its purpose is (other than to line the pockets of the chosen few) to force Californians out of their cars and onto public transportation, a thing that Californians have made perfectly clear is not a desired thing.

There are other movements to this end. Los Angeles, for example is trying to forcefeed so-called "road diets" onto its drivers, where the city cuts traffic lanes in half and replaces them with dedicated bus and bike lanes. They routinely lie about the impact to try to sell it but the motives are crystal clear.

If the Dems are not careful they're going to lose their hold on CA. This kind of stuff is blatant and in-your-face. The kind of thing that sours people on politicians.

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