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Hello! This is time sensetive I wanted to share with you this promising new startup called - Co...


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This is time sensetive


I wanted to share with you this promising new startup called - Copy.

basically - it's a new Dropbox (with some extra features) but with a much greater deal, and here it is:


1. Sign up and get 5GB free!


2. Sign up via my link and enjoy another free 5GB! (and so do it of course).


3.Tweet about it and enjoy ANOTHER 2GB for free (2GB free dropbox account anyone?


You now have already free 12GB


4. Invite your friends and enjoy yet another 5GB for each one who joins.


5.Start uploading!


my guess is that you are going to hear a lot more about this cute little app...


***There are iOS, Android, and Windows clients. 


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