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Does anyone have a link to a parts list for someone who is looking at playing around in electroni...

G+_Jason Perry

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Does anyone have a link to a parts list for someone who is looking at playing around in electronics more.


I all ready have a Pi, Arduino, Breadboard, jumpers.

For the most part I think I am really after what are common values for resistors and capacitors, as well as other components such as potentiometers that every beginner should have.

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For resistors, I have and suggest sparkfun's resistor kit. I would also suggest getting a bunch of 10k resistors. They come in handy for pull down/up resisters.




I would also suggest going onto ebay and get a bunch of leds, toggle switches and buttons. There just great to have on hand and parts like that are pretty cheap when you buy direct from china. Less middle men.

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Yes sadly the days where you could go down to your local electronics stores like Tandy or the like and get what ever u wanted to build projects is some what different now, yes there are some still around , but they are dispersing quickly, and yes i think that the internet and China is definitely the main factor, But there is a big difference between buying online and shopping in person, Especially when u dont really know what u want its nice to see things first hand, read the specs etc maybe grab a part that u dont have or lost in a kit etc and i havent even started on kits.

I used to be a regular customer once and now my soldering iron has gone cold.

A friend said to me the other day, why bother with these old components when everything is SMC now days and i said well if you want to proto type on bread boards then its the only way to go, its cheap, its easy to handle, and easy to solder

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John Phillips What? I can go down to my local Radio.. Oh, I see they've closed. Arghhhh!!!


Jason Perry Many online retailers have multi-packs of resistors, capacitors, and the like for your project/experiment kit. I'm sure you'll find good kits at RadioShack, AdaFruit, and Element13 websites. Just make sure you keep them organized and in individual bags. There's nothing worse than picking up hundreds of components from the floor after a student knocks your tackle box from the top of your tank. :)

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