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Has anyone heard of this? I know I hadn 't

G+_Jason Perry

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Jason Perry Thane Richard I was floored I hadn't either.  Most underrated project ever.  I'll weigh in more when my Lighthouse receiver arrives.  An idea so logical it deserves a "Why didn't we all do this sooner" facepalm :)  Can't wait to try it in my upcoming project.

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I recall haring about Outernet a couple years ago. One-way, receive-only. Not too exciting for one who has access to the internet. You get what they broadcast, even though you can request other content by side-channel. Really, if you have access to twitter or whatsapp to request content be added to the queue, then this isn't a project or device for you. There is sponsored content, as well, though they don't make much mention of what that is. So, a corporation can pay to push content? I have an allergic reaction to that idea.


It's a cute, fuzzy little idea for spreading content to primitive people and those without mainline internet access, but those places this system strives to serve are already finding their own ways to spread knowledge and internet access. What's next, a push to improve ADSL equipment in Google Fiber neighborhoods?

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