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Scientists turn carbon dioxide into stone, raising climate change hopes

G+_Mark Swaim

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Jeff Primal Guy You mean fracking?


My understanding from the article.The Co2 when turned into stone, is the equivalent of volcanic rock. Roughly 70% of the surface of the planet is covered with it.


Curious if this technology could be used to elevate or expand coast lines.

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Let's see; the adoption of technology may have led to an increase in green house gases, but we should not use technology to help mitigate the problem through sequestering CO2. And that is considered a sensible argument? Seems rather Luddite.


The argument that we need to take care and not sequester too much is more reasonable as without CO2 we cease to exist as air breathers. A link for those that don't quite understand the need for CO2 in the atmosphere.



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