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Heard Leo do an ad for ProXPN yesterday Anyone tried or using this service? Would like to hear a...

G+_robert lemons jr

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One of my coworkers uses proXPN, and has generally been very pleased with it. The only issue he's had was when watching streaming video using the BBC's player he would occasionally got a DNS failure, although he thinks it's the BBC's fault. Everything else works fine. The VPN Guard feature is nice, where it will automatically close specified applications (like, say, your Bit Torrent client) if the VPN connection is lost.

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If you are using it on your  iphone, it works great and you get good support. If you are on Android like me, then it can be problematic. I am using it on my Galaxy S3 and it has been hit and miss I emailed them and they basically say there are some issues with Android and they cannot provide full support.

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