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Now that we have seen Google Glass can we have a moratorium on Google Glass discussion on the TWI...

G+_Greg Lewis

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Now that we have seen Google Glass can we have a moratorium on Google Glass discussion on the TWIT network?  I have estimated that I have spent 40 hours of my life over the last year listening to Glass speculation and conjecture on TWIT network shows.  Now that we have seen this prototype product Leo is probably correct in comparing Glass to the Segway.  Jolie O'Dell wrote an insightful column on this topic.


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Good article by Jolie didn`t agree with everything she said but I appreciate her philosophy about tech, she is someone who has concerns of our growing over reliance and dependence on consumer tech and I find her views refreshing in a sea of journalist who say the same thing (I agree with James Taurasi Tim Stevens is the benchmark) Similarly with JCD every time he is on I can find one bit of insight that I didn`t think about. My advice to people stop only listening to people who share and confirm your view of the world, it stops you from growing. 

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JCD is half the reason I ever watch TWiT. He thinks outside the box, yeah sometimes crackpot theories but I think that's more for show than go. Leo doesn't always go with what everyone else is saying either...he'll be the first to knock Apple or Google when they aren't doing something he agrees with, and he's no Microsoft fanboy either.


Jolie is a great and entertaining guest on TWiT but sometimes her proposed resolutions to problems in the tech industry are half-baked or unrealistic. Her and JCD on the same show with Leo make an outstanding battle of the extreems :)

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re; "can we have a moratorium on Google Glass discussion on the TWIT network?"



That would be insane. 

This is (one of) the most interesting innovations in tech.

If you watched the recent TWIT with Scoble then you'd understand the perspective that this is an early moment in the birth of a new era :)

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That Q&A with Scoble at the end was AMAZING!!! He deserves a reward for sitting there and reading / answering chat room questions for 15 minutes straight like that. Very enlightening information. I seriously learned more from that Q&A than I did from any article I read, and this was AFTER the damn show! 

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I don't understand the argument that glass will make you MORE distracted. Like they said on yesterday's TWiG, glass is shaping up to be (mostly) a notifications platform. So, you're not going to see people staring at their glass, because there's not enough content going to glass to justify staring at it, ESPECIALLY with when-you-need-it updates like Google Now. This may change in the future, but like I said the way it seems to be headed it will probably be like a pebble for your eye.

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Glass is not a Segway. With a device like the bicycle the Segway never stood a chance in mass consumer adoption. 


People already wear glasses to correct vision. Google Glass has plenty of potential to be just as useful. Unlike the Segway, the functionality of Glass changes as developers write Apps. In the very near future Glass could be used to aid the blind. I've already heard that someone wants to make a recipe App to aid in the kitchen. 

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