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I thought Leo Laporte did a decent job of explaining why TWiT is not renewing Tom Merritt 's co...

G+_Apollo Lemmon

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I thought Leo Laporte  did a decent job of explaining why TWiT is not renewing Tom Merritt's contract. Even with all of our modern technology, it is difficult to head a department when you're not on site. I've often wondered how TWiT plans to continue playing the role of traditional news network when half of their anchors Skype in. There is a noticeable lack of congruity in the show since Tom moved. 

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It goes beyond looking right on camera though, doesn't it? That's just the tiny tip of the iceberg when putting on a news show. There's a ton of collaboration that has to happen, and Skype is a terrible way to try to  brainstorm or bounce a couple quick ideas off someone. Using new media is one thing, but thousands of years of normal human interaction will be difficult to bypass.

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John Wilkinson Agreed.


Jey Gifford That doesn't really make sense? As Sarah only comes in 2-3 (rarely) times a week? Certainly she, much like Tom uses the Google Docs for the news.


So being remote, like Tom, how much collab do you think is done by her? Strictly by iyaz when neither is onsite? I honestly don't think he being onsite 2x weekly is any better than Tom not coming in. If you notice, most of the time she rarely has much to say, I can't imagine it's because everything could possibly be said- I won't pursue the rest of that thought but think about it.


Lastly, watch a few episodes when Tom isn't on the show... He certainly will be missed, especially since I can't buy he's being fired for being remote when most of TWiT has been done remotely (ahem, Windows Weekly).

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Lance Seidman, I think what's being overlooked is expectation. Leo Laporte's press release regarding Tom Merritt specifically mentions Leadership and News Director. And that they agreed those things would be given a try with Tom being remote. Apparently it didn't work out as hoped. I think expectations are different with Sarah Lane since she is a host, and not necessarily in a leadership role.


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For a seemingly forward leaning company, not being able to manage people remotely is ridiculous. It's like Marissa Mayer telling people at Yahoo they can't telecommute, only with Twit's handful of employees it actually laughable. I kind of hope Citrix and gotomeeting drop them as clients.


I've never been a fan o Leo Laporte te but he brough Tom Merritt tt in and really let him build a great show that took a lot of trial and error to going. After that I figured I'd give Laport at chance. Well, I never once made it through an episode of TWIT. I find them rambling, boring, and unintelligent. And now I never will. I left CNET along with Tom and I imagine I'll be leaving Twit with him as well.


Tom, start a kick starter or something to get a new show up and running. You'll have my backing.

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