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I have realized I do not know a single person who 's phone has made it to the end of their contr...

G+_jhb nexus072013

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I have realized I do not know a single person who's phone has made it to the end of their contract.  Many have had it replaced with refurbished phones, often many times.  A few even ended up with a crappier phone because the one the purchased is no longer available for  a replacement.   What are you thoughts?  Give a shout out if your a victim of this effect. 

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I have had phones that have made it through their contracts. I'm the type of person that generally takes care of my electronic devices though. After selling my last smart phone on ebay I switched to a basic phone to reduce my monthly bill and have an Android mp3 player for apps and internet when I need it. Fortunately I have open wifi at most of the places I visit so I don't need to pay for a constant data plan. 

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I used a Nexus One for slightly over 3 years.  My contract was for 2 years.  It really still worked fine, but was starting to lose some battery life and wouldn't run modern apps anymore so I decided to replace it.  I've had a new phone for over a year and my kids are still using the Nexus One for playing simple games and music.  The battery definitely couldn't make it through an entire work day at this point, but it works great for the kids.


Edit: I had the Nexus One on a regional carrier called Viaero (GSM with Edge) and my new phone is a Galaxy S3 on Verizon.

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My iPhone 4 has made it and is still going strong. I have it in my pocket everyday working in manufacturing. Grinding, welding, the whole bit. I don't have it in a hardcore case either. Just a thin piece of rubber around the sides and back. I had an otter box style case, but I felt the plastic cover cheapened the retina display, so I got rid of it. I treat my tech very well though.

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