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? for the group whats the best app for chatrooms i may not always be able to watch live vide...

G+_jhb nexus072013

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? for the group.. whats the best app for chatrooms.. i may not always be able to watch live video THANK you so much for live audio feeds, everyone seems that video only is the way to go and you fill a need so many other fail to..  (usually at work and IT hates streaming video), but i could follow along in the live chat..  i have a nexus7 and droid charge..


I thank all in advance. without you all, i would be lost..

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"whats the best app for chatrooms.."


That probably depends on which operating system/platform you are using.

- For an iOS platform, try Colloquy: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/colloquy-irc-client/id302000478?mt=8

- For Mac, Colloquy is also probably a good choice: http://colloquy.info/downloads.html

- For Windows, there is a wide selection but many people like mIRC or  X-Chat.

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