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So I posted a while ago about how should I go about getting a domain once it expires

G+_Jason Perry

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So I posted a while ago about how should I go about getting a domain once it expires.


From a little bit of research

If a domain isn't renewed and it expires a auction house affiliated with the provider picks up the name and holds on to it for a period of time. After that time the auction house drops it and it is up for grabs.


The domain I want is being held by fabulous so the auction house associated with it is NameJet. If you decide to go the auction house route the middle I mum bid is $69 in my case.

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That sounds about right. Kinda dirty for registrars to do that, but it's probably how they make a good chunk of their money - I'd guess. Since they own it to begin with, they can keep it as long as they want.


$70 probably isn't bad if it's a good domain name that you'll be using for a business. Anything personal it might be tough to justify.

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A company I worked for went out of business in 2000. I still have a few giant rolls of stickers from there and would love to acquire the domain name...but ever since it expired, a domain squatter has been trying to sell it on one of those auction sites. I've been checking every year to see if he'd finally give it up, but 16 years later, no dice. I don't visit the domain much because I don't want to give the illusion that there's traffic (and it's a generic domain squatter-type web page anyway). The company wasn't big or famous, so there's not many links in anymore. I wish they'd just drop it...but I know if I inquire how much it would be, they'd want hundreds of dollars at least.


Like Ben Reese, I've also heard about (and seen) GoDaddy temporarily snagging any domain someone searches for...so never search for domains there! (GoDaddy's pretty sleazy with other stuff too, so I avoid them like the plague.)

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The one I am after was used for someone's wow server. I should have contacted him back then to try and acquire it. He registered with go daddy. Funny enough, the domain ended up on go daddy's auction site for over $3000. After they dropped the domain a company called phoenix picked it up and put it up for $600. Now fabulous is trying to sell it for $300. Funny enough ICANN charges $300 to resolve any issues regarding domain squatting.


I have been there every step of the way trying to pick it up. Now I am registered with the auction house associated with fabulous. We will see what happens 25 days from now.

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