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The latest episode is available now

G+_Alan M Carlino Jr

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The latest episode is available now. It was a wild show and the chat room went crazy. I did enjoy it though.Some thought it went off topic for a period of time. I don't think it did. I think there should be a huge discussion of tech, private enterprise,  the government and how those three things will blend in the future. And I do agree with Dvorak. I think there will be a time when each country has their own network/internet. Sad if t does happen though. 


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michael allen Not sure I follow the sense in the argument that because he does comedy, he should be fine with talk about race?


I thought Lamarr Wilson dealt with it with grace and style. Leo Laporte knew he screwed up and looked suitably embarrassed.  

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michael allen I agree that TWiT shouldn't be a one topic show. Nor should it be serious throughout. I'm all for a decent tangent and a ramble into nonsense,  But yesterdays show was just old men shouting at each other. It wasn't fun, informative or enjoyable to watch, IMO.

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I really enjoyed the TWiT show last night. For me, TWiT programming doesn't always need to be polished and fair and balanced and whatever else. Then again, I understand that others have a different taste for awkwardness, things going off the rails, and all of the other stuff you'll tend to get with a network that is not overly planned. To me, it's great, especially when compared to the well-polished turd approach you get on more produced, mainstream channels. I say enjoy the ride!

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Gina and Jason are great - two of the more thoughtful,  reasonable, and considerate hosts TWiT has. But if the network were all Gina's and Jason's, I would not tune in nearly as much as I do. I think diversity of personality and some craziness are among TWiTs best assets, for the network as a whole and especially for the show itself.

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Bryan-Mitchell Young yikes, i was afraid of that. He can barely keep himself from saying something offensive around women and blacks in general. I got the sense that baratunde thurston was getting tired of the whole, "dont mind me, im just a cranky old white man" shtick. I really hope that competitors like the 5by5 network are not getting to him. 

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I don't know. I mean, for sake of maintaining a viewership/listenership, Leo probably ought to heed warnings and complaints about slips of the tongue. But from my consumption of hundreds of hours listening to Leo, I get the sense that he is neither racist nor sexist but is DEFINITELY a guy whose mouth sometimes moves faster than his filter can process. Inevitably, personalities of this type often get into some hot water from time to time. What matters to me as I make my own judgements of Leo as entertainer and human being is where his core is, and I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until that comes into question.

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I can tell you that as a 40+ year old, I can understand Leo's attitude towards the thinking of the younger generation and their ideas (cough, cough: Glass). And as you grow older you don't suffer fools as gladly as you use to. That's why old people, me included, become cranky and tactless.


Having said that, Leo is being Leo. Always passionate about an opinion one way or the other but having no qualms of admitting if he was mistaken.


Do also understand the weight he's carrying on his shoulders as TWIT grows bigger. Perhaps what you guys are saying is a sign of stress. Sorry for taking into psycho analysis. The Freud in me just wouldn't quit. :)

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