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Everything Tech is geared towards the Qwerty keyboard layout

G+_George Kozi

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I think that it is a simple market share problem. I don't think that will change, while the Dvorak keyboard may be faster in the long term, I know the Qwerty, and in the short term my typing will be slowed down, because I will be working against muscle memory. I suspect that most would feel the same way, which would mean that most wont change, which gives manufacturers very little reason to include it.

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Is it saving several minutes per typewritten page?  No?  Not much reason to change, then.  Innovation for the sake of change isn't really innovative.  Assuming everyone in the world switched over to the Dvorak tomorrowand was proficient by the end of the week, what benefits would this innovation bring?  A few dozen man-hours per department annually?  Pushing for widespread SSD implementation will save a couple magnitudes of order more than that, and requires no re-training or hardware modification.

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