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I 'm kinda getting fed up with people saying "why would you buy a computer that 's nothing but...

G+_George Kozi

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I'm kinda getting fed up with people saying "why would you buy a computer that's nothing but a browser".


Well, because today you can do in a browser everything a normal user wants to do. Moreover it is secure and kept up to date without you lifting a finger. That's why.

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No such thing as "static" normal use. Thats the point of a computer...to be flexible not ridged in applications or even ability run anything out of the browser. All this fud of browser will do most everything is like Steve Jobs telling folks apps on the iphone wont happen outside of the browser in 2007.


Rich applications that normal people will want to use still need a traditional OS. You folks far under esitmate what the normal user does on their computer..and will want to do later.?

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Then do it. Give it to her. Then watch her curse you in a few weeks/months time when she wants to create greeting cards with her scanner. One of thousands of possible wants from the "average" user. I am not saying this out of spite...I am saying this out of experience.?

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I dont think we do have terms mixed up. I dont think you have spent enough time with them to know not only their use but future desires. Nothing that can be had in Chrome book isnt there on the traditional PC. However the same cant be true the other way around. With cost being equal (which it nearly is)...why even risk it as the average user?

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George Kozi Apps on a tablet are rich applications with a full featured OS.  That's not what Chrome OS is. Tablets could be "full computing" devices (IE Surface Pro) or even perhaps Android with it's Apps and supported add-ons.  ChomeOS is likely to be a failure if it remains a browser OS only.  The market is already supplying many full OS at low costs (Windows8, iOS, Android, Linux) that can do everything and more than ChromeOS.  The problem with ChromeOS is that you are relying on "Google" solely for most everything at this point in time. With the Android head moving over to ChromeOS team I am thinking that they have realized that people are not willing to risk losing a full rich OS..when the costs are the same. Look for Chrome OS to support apps like android. I am not saying there is not a niche market for ChromeOS but it hardly falls within supplying the needs of every "average" user. 


One question that Google hasn't ask itself is...what can ChromeOS do that Android can't? 

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