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Cursive writing

G+_George Kozi

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Cursive writing.


I'm watching Leo Laporte  on TWiT and the subject of cursive writing came up. He and his guests were trying to think of reasons why cursive writing would be thought in schools. The only reason they could think of, was "so you can read what old ladies wrote".


Do you use cursive writing?


I do, and last time I looked, I wasn't an old lady.


Originally shared by George Kozi


Cursive writing.


I'm watching Leo Laporte on TWiT and the subject of cursive writing came up. He and his guests were trying to think of reasons why cursive writing would be thought in schools. The only reason they could think of, was "so you can read what old ladies wrote".


Do you use cursive writing? 


I do, and last time I looked, I wasn't an old lady.

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Penmanship is still important, at least it should be.


I use a mangled form of cursive whenever writing down notes that become legible only to me the faster I write. My own kind of shorthand that lets me write faster than I type.

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I never write in cursive. Even when I sign my name its more of a loopy connected form of print that I kinda made up myself. My sister, who just recently graduated high school, was taught cursive when she was younger but only briefly. She was never forced to use it and today doesn't really remember how to write it. 

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I can write cursive, but I've made a conscious decision not to. I spend so much more time typing things up now that my hand writing has gone to shit. Before I even left high school I decided that writing in print gave me the best chance of other people being able to read my handwriting when needed.


I think we were taught cursive in elementary school, and shortly after I even changed my signature to incorporate a slightly more print look. My signature really is the only cursive I write anymore though.

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Typing is quickest for me and I even took some speed writing courses.  The only item left in my world for cursive is my signature.  They did not take the time for penmanship while I was in school.  In fact, they jumped on printing papers as soon as they were able.

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