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Falcon Pro Reaches Twitter Token Limit

G+_Tom Gehrke

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Originally shared by Tom Gehrke


Falcon Pro Reaches Twitter Token Limit


There are many Twitter clients for Android, but not many that I consider a quality experience. Falcon Pro is one of a handful of those. The fact that it has hit its limit so soon after being released is a tribute to its popularity.


A couple things you can do if so moved.


Revoke Your Token


Say you tried Falcon Pro and you just didn't click. That's cool. You prefer something else. However, maybe you did not go into your Twitter settings and revoke access. (Because who does that usually, right?) 


If that's you, go do that and help a brother/sister out. I wrote up some instructions on my blog here - http://blog.digitalmonkey.net/2012/10/tweetbot-for-mac-and-revoking-twitter.html


Granted, those are for Tweetbot on iOS, but it still applies here. (And shows that Twitter token limits are a universal problem for good apps on all platforms.)


Sign The Petition


If you go to the play store where Joaquim Verges has his app (link below), he's updated the description to include a link to a petition to increase the number of tokens available to him.


One never knows if signing a petition will help, but it can't hurt. Amirite?


Even if you have no interest in Falcon Pro, you can sign a petition. Maybe you prefer Carbon. Cool. That app will have the same problem soon, I'd imagine. Might as well build up some good karma now.


Personally, I have no direct vested interest. I just like to see great developers rewarded for good work.


Thanks for your time!


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I keep going back and forth with Falcon Pro, Offical Twitter and Tweetcaster Pro. I'm furious with Twitter because I feel like they are forcing me to use their interface. Just today Falcon Pro has stopped loading new tweets when connected to WiFi. I don't understand the cause for this at all, but I still blame twitter for forcing stress on developers to focus on how to get around their stupid rules instead of upgrading and maintaining their product. Hopefully this is only a problem I have, but it's still frustrating.

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