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Loving the Synology overview

G+_Jason Perry

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Loving the Synology overview.


I would love to see how to setup the calendar and cardDAV apps to replace the services I use on my family's phones and computers. The other service I have been meaning to open up is the mail server. Is it that obvious I would like to migrate out of the cloud. ?


Also I am interested in peoples opinion of Synocommunity, and if there are any other similar communities.

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Hi Jason Perry. I started to play with more features of my Synology NAS shortly before the latest Synology KH episodes. I also wanted to play with Calendar and cardDAV. I just wrote myself the directions on how to setup CalDAV. I plan to setup CardDAV as well. Feel free to check out my directions. Hopefully they will help you.

pahoehoe.net - Synology - calDAV Setup

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