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Just a thought We see what we know

G+_George Kozi

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Just a thought... We see what we know...

Look at that picture... it kinda looks like Orion's belt, doesn't it?

And yet, it isn't. It is home.


Originally shared by David Fuchs


Hello Humans 


Wish you were here with me. Please share this picture of earth with your friends. 


Curiosity Rover

Gale Crater, Mars               #sciencesunday   #mars  

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That's not the point I'm making. The image is a rendition of the sky as seen from Mars, made in some software package. (By the way, that doesn't make it inaccurate.)


The point is this: We see what we know... we see patterns we recognize... our mind makes connections and associations based on what we know... even when the premise is obviously false.


Expanded, this may suggest a certain blindness we may have for things that are unfamiliar, or completely new. Things that we cannot associate with past knowledge or experience. ?

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Marshall McLuhan felt very strongly on this point. George is quite right. We cannot form the new association until it has been widely visualized.


Orion's belt represents something individual to each of us. We cannot help but associate this with similar images.


It is loosely connected to how we project a personality onto animals we see. Disney exploited this to great effect. To the point where tourists here get killed because they imagined Bears to be cute and cuddly.


The Big Blue Marble image from the Apollo program has been widely credited with enabling the Green Movement.


Mars has also had a strong hold on me from the first images in the mid 70s. I can't get enough of Mars.

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