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How about this?

G+_George Kozi

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How about this?


Originally shared by George Kozi


The Personal E-Tip Jar


How many times you have seen something on the Internet, some nice photos, a good article written by an ordinary person, or just a witty remark you wanted to reward the author for?


It happened to me many times, and I always regretted not having the means to do it. So here's the thing: I believe that every single person, should have a personal tip jar.


Something attached to their profile, something that can be put on websites and will appear beside their name, everywhere their name appears.


One click micropayments should be possible to this tipjar, taking funds from your own, and transferring them to the jar you want to tip.


This should be available in every single medium, from mobile phones to the desktop. The tips should be limited to a couple of bucks, and they should always be anonymous (to avoid pressure).


How about it Google? Nobody else does something like this ... yet...

So Larry Page Sergey Brin  get working on it.


Leo Laporte Jeff Jarvis 

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Excellent idea.  If it can overcome the barriers of currency exchange and handling fees then it might end up being the next killer app.


Maybe Apple's Passbook or Google's Wallet could be the vehicle through which micropayments could be made.  If a digital currency was widely accepted as standard then the exchange and fee things is eliminated.


This is an idea whose time has come.  It is what Nicholas Negroponte was suggesting back in 1991.

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