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We better wake up soon

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


We better wake up soon...


Look at this. Where the hell was this method when I was a kid, and why nobody thought it to me? Watching these kids, a couple of things cross my mind:


- I feel like a Neanderthal that goes "ghuh" while watching the aliens landing next to his pile of bones.


-Just because the abacus is made of sticks and beads, it doesn't mean it is less sophisticated than a pocket calculator.


-In other parts of the world they have what you see in the video, we have Honey Boo Boo, and toddlers in tiaras.


As I said, we better wake up soon...

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I learned this as a kid, but never found this to be that useful. At school and at work, you end up using excel and calculator anyway. That said, I find it amusing/frustrating when people can't handle basic math in real life (counting days, calculating tips, splitting bills... etc). I've encountered many cashiers looking confused when I give them $41 on a $36 purchase...?

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