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Quick and serious question: can you see a guy carrying one of those C things?

G+_George Kozi

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yeah... that must be it. lol.


Listen, I hoped they would do well, because we need them to do well in order to keep all the other companies sharp.  But... not willing to see when something is plain ugly and puerile, and putting it down to a Dr. Phil analysis, isn't healthy.


When Google came out with the Q, a.k.a. "Google Balls" that was pointed out also. It's about taste. My taste would forbid me to carry an apple green phone with pink polka dots on the back. I 'm indeed sensitive that way...

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George Kozi Well my take is sure you dislike them, but that doesn't translate to the markets reaction. They just came out, wait and see.


Color wise I find them just fine. If they had the A7 chip I would consider it for the money savings. But I don't feely my take will represent the market either, I'm only one data point.

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It's not the colors that I find irritating. Colors are ok.  It's just the pallet of colors they went for. It's all bubble-gummy and looks like something My Little Pony barfed up. 


The phone in off itself may actually be good... it's the packaging that sucks. And they made it so that for "mature" colors, you got to go to the more expensive model.

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George. You and I are just old. That's all. What my eyes like in the way of colour has long ago been abandoned by those who run the show today. Stand in the hallway of your local University and watch all the colour walking around. Youth want more colour. They also like to appear different. If their phone attracts attention to them, while they attract attention on Twitter, then it's just better.


I am always surprized when I am outside of my own region of the world; the demand for colour in everything is much higher elsewhere. Central America and South America come to mind, but Asia is big on colour too.

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