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Leo Laporte Lisa Kentzell Tom Merritt Jason Howell

G+_George Kozi

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Leo Laporte Lisa Kentzell Tom Merritt Jason Howell 

This is in regard to those monitors on wheels you use for remote guests. Have you guys ever think of using them in portrait mode?


Because... why do you need a wide screen with a small figure in the center, when you can have the guest's image fill the screen, and cut out the sides on the room. After all, a guest is just a talking head, isn't he?


The guitar on the back wall, and the pile of stuff in the back corner aren't that interesting...

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The guests would need to rotate their cameras, or you'd have to zoom and crop the video to fill the vertical space, which would look horrible due to up-scaling.


Once going through that effort, you'd have GIANT heads, or you'd have a full body shot, or you'd have huge amounts of room above their heads, none of which would look good.


Note that they do try to match the size of the guest to the in-studio hosts/guests.

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