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Why can 't Google have a SOS service just like Amazon has its thing on the Kindle?

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


Why can't Google have a SOS service just like Amazon has its thing on the Kindle? That "mayday" button. It would make a lot of people happy, and I don't think it would break Googzilla's bank.


Larry Page Sergey Brin Vic Gundotra Eric Schmidt 

(Not that they would ever see this post, but hey, I'm an optimist)

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Good point, Brent Lawson

Given the amount of tech support I do, I should have thought of that. ;) On the other hand, I seem to manage providing support for endless hardware /software configurations for thousands each year and I'm no where near the geek status of google techs. So, it can be done if one has the will to do so IMHO.

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