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This is EXACTLY why Microsoft freaks out

G+_George Kozi

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I get all the haters out there, but what do normal people do with laptops? They obsessively check Facebook and maybe send a few emails. It is the perfect "laptop" for 90 percent of the normal people out there. The real reason why it isn't taking off is because MSOFT makes ALL MS Office products so damn difficult to be compatible with, hell their own cloud version of there product is super limited.?

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I can't see how anyone would fall for Microsoft's marketing gimmick here.  


To start with, Google, Samsung, nor any retailers are even ATTEMPTING to market Chromebooks as "laptops."  The very definition of a "laptop" has never changed over the years, but the way we use our devices, and the way we create and consume content HAS changed.  These aren't laptops, but laptop REPLACEMENTS.  Last time I checked, you could create and edit text, spreadsheet, and slideshow files offline, making their entire point moot.  I sat my girlfriend's grandmother down in front of a brand new shiny HP with Windows 8, and she freaked out.  Had no idea what to do or where to go.  I tried to show her, but it just wasn't sticking.  I swapped the HP for the Samsung Series 3, she's right at home.  


To anyone falling for the "just a glorified web browser" line, I implore thee, pick up a chromebook sometime.  Give it a try.  Go play with a demo in Office Depot.  If they ever release a chromebook with a backlit keyboard, there's a VERY good chance my Macbook Pro will end up gathering dust on my desk.  

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Matthew Moore all true, but who does anything unless they are connected to the internet, that is not some lame PowerPoint for work? I think the push back you are getting about whether or not this is a real laptop stems not from what people can do with a laptop, but really what they do with a chrome book and laptop is equivalent. so the question is now this: is a laptop's worth or status based off of capability or usability.?


Also the only thing propping up Microsoft is the adoption of ms office in the business and government work space, when that falls so does Windows.

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Saying a Chromebook is not a laptop is like saying a tablet is not a computer. Both are computers. Chromebooks depend on an internet connection for full functionality but for everything most people do, so does a Windows computer. The only question people need to ask is whether the capabilities of a particular computer meet their needs and budget. For a lot of people Chromebooks are a good choice. Add a Cloudprint capable printer to your home network and a Chromebook may be good enough to be your only computer.

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I find this entire discussion one of semantics and evolution of tech. I think we can agree that Chromebooks, tablets, windows PC's and Macs are all computers. What we are looking at is diversity that has become possible as technology of both computers and the internet has advanced. In medicine at one time all physicians were generalists. As the science of medicine advanced, specialists emerged to complement what the generalist could do. That doesn't make either group not a Doctor. To take the analogy to its conclusion ,we go to see doctors based on our need. Sometimes we need the generalist who will look at us over completely, sometimes we need the specialist who does mostly one thing but does it really well. It the same with computers. Sometimes we need one that is light and keeps us entertained and connected so we go for a tablet, sometimes we need a bit more including a keyboard then a Chromebook might be better and going gradually up to the super powered machines like the Mac. Pro for people who need the speed and graphics capability. We now have the luxury to get the computer that meets our needs. Let's not argue on what we call them. Doing so falls right into the manufacturers trap where we focus on brands and names not on whether a machine can do what we need it for.

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I love my Chromebook. What would make it a total win is if it came set up for virtualization right out of the box, so I could run Linux, Windows, etc. when I wanted to without switching to another device or rebooting. If it did that, I'd stop treating them as toys, and I'd be willing to pay a lot more for one!

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