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Smart Watches - Because looking at your phone is so darn difficult

G+_George Kozi

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Well, I own a pebble and I get a lot of people inquiring about it as I wear it at work. There is definitely a market. I work in retail and we can't really have our phone out so being able to see notifications right on your watch is huge. On top of that, the developer community for the pebble has taken off so there's no shortage of apps.

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I had a smart watch back in the days of the Palm Pilots. It was the Timex / Microsoft Data Link watch. One of the very best tech gadgets I've ever owned. They were not super durable, and I broke several. Kept buying them till they were discontinued (Last I checked, Timex still makes a 'Datalink Watch', but now it's more of a sport watch). 

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One fairly dumb function I'd like from a watch is to simply vibrate when I get a call or text from someone on a short whitelist. I keep my phone on silent and often miss calls with vibrate. I don't even need a smart display. It can just be a standard Casio with vibrate and BTLE added.

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I enjoy my Pebble. It's not strictly necessary, by any means, but getting notifications unobtrusively is a great feature.


I'm less impressed by things like the Galaxy Gear. To me, a watch is for notifications and very limited interaction. Actually using it for calls seems to cross the "just dig out your phone" line.

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