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All this recent talk about the Chromebook got me thinking Leo Laporte Lisa Kentzell Jason Howell ...

G+_George Kozi

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All this recent talk about the Chromebook got me thinking Leo Laporte Lisa Kentzell Jason Howell Isn't it time for a short show about the Chromebook?


At least something in the iFive for the iPhone format, if not something in the iPad Today format. The Chromebook isn't going anywhere. It is here to stay. More than that, it is growing and maturing. 


I think there is enough material for such a show, and given Google's obsession with easteregging, there will always be tips to give to the viewer.  Moreover, because all the Google services are accessible through the Chromebook, there's a lot to talk about.

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Nah, don't make a Twit show about the Chromebook. Make one about using tech in education. From Chromebooks to iPads, Chromecasts to Air Server (a popular AirPlay server for Mac and PC). Google Apps to Skydrive to iCloud. Even some light infrastructure (Almost all schools use Active Directory and file servers, for example).


Get a real teacher as one of the hosts, and a systems administrator as the other. They can talk about interactive projectors, wireless classrooms, personal amplifiers, content filters, and online assessment.


The only problem I see with this show idea is that, eventually, you might run out of things to talk about. There are only so many document cameras out there, and most of them, if you have seen one, you have seen 90% of them all.


I would calk such a show: TwitEd or Top Grade Tech! or School of Tech... This Week in Education Tech's acronym was already taken.

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It does seem logical that if the network is committed to things Apple they should also include things Google. But I think it might be time to think the other way around. Perhaps stop doing the shows for iPad and iPhone and just do Tech.


I think it's a bit of a stretch to do a show about Chrome OS and ChromeBooks unless there is a compelling audience for it. It would be like doing a show about Samsung products. You would certainly get a lot of information thrown at you and you would have plenty of opinions about them but who would it serve?


Ed Tech is an interesting question too. I'll have to think about that one some more.


Windows Weekly talks a lot about Microsoft, XBOX, and enterprize applications and servers (not to forget the hours spent on phones). TWiG should be a wider discussion and include tips of the week for ChromeBook users as well as software tips for Google's app store. I'm sorry if they already do this because I actually don't watch TWiG. But it seems better to expand the range of topics for an existing Google-related program than to split them off and apply new resources toward making them.


I think All About Android is another cross over place where Chrome could get some attention. But perhaps just for the apps which work on the Chrome OS or play well on a Chrome Browser.


It would be interesting to hear Leo Laporte on this. Is the Google Ecosystem of software, services, and hardware significant enough now to warrant a special show for Chrome (in all its forms) ?

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