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I always alternated between liking and tolerating Microsoft I 'm now seriously starting to disl...

G+_George Kozi

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I always alternated between liking and tolerating Microsoft. I'm now seriously starting to dislike them. 


It may sound weird, but when I'm using a product, I want to feel good about the people who made it and about the people who sold it to me. 


So my experience and enjoyment as a user depends on those people not behaving like idiots or bastards or con artists. 


Originally shared by Sreek Menon


As if Chromebook needed some free publicity at the expense of Microsoft. Love it.


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Well, the commercial has a valid point to most people. Personally, I would choose chrome book because I live in Google for the most part... But most people don't know enough about tech to know what they can do with it...


The purpose of a business is to make money, so commercials like this don't bother me... It's good for competition and I'm sure the people at Google don't care.

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These commercials make the bile rise in my throat. I actively hate them and the people who make them, but to express it the way I want to won't help the cause at all.


All I'll say is this: Microsoft is trashing Chromebook because they don't have anything nice to say about Windows 8.

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If they'd put as much effort into building a quality product, as they spend trying to discredit their competition, maybe they might have something.


At this point though, they are just driving me f*ing nuts!  I hate hate hate Win8!  Let's bury power off three menus deep.  Let's build live tiles so they forcibly auto-arrange.  Why the F do you need a "charms" bar, stick those commands in the god awful bar that comes up when you hold an icon down too long, stop making me dizzy bouncing back and forth between the 'new' and 'classic' modes when I open something ....


When you studied your competition (you DID study them, didn't you), did you notice how they made things EASY?  Right out of the box easy?  What kind of god awful crack were you smoking to think that the final product you are shipping to customers in any way resembles easy?


Work stated they are going to start to move to Win8 for some devices, so I HAVE to learn to SUPPORT this S*&!t.  


If it was up to me, I'd move to ANYTHING other than Win8.  Heck, with the imminent demise of XP, I've moved my old desktop to Linux Mint. 


I know I am gonna get flack for my opinion, but this is how I FEEL about this product.   It's my OPINION.  If Microsoft wants to win my business, change my OPINION, don't try to brainwash me with FUD.  It will only make me feel like you have something to hide.... like an inferior product.


Build a quality product, and stop trying to sell me snake oil.  Then you won't need these horrible ads to sell your stuff, the product will do it for you.

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Bruce Miller Leo Laporte had one of the windows phone developers on windows weekly and he said that google stopped giving them code to make it work and wouldn't work with them window phone is trying to get the users the apps they want but they won't work with them but if windows starts to take away some of there market share maybe they will start to play nice!? ?

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