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This is akin to the bed manufacturer you bought furniture from, renting out your bed to strangers...

G+_George Kozi

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This is akin to the bed manufacturer you bought furniture from, renting out your bed to strangers when you are not at home.?


I started out by being intrigued by bitcoin. Lately. I dislike it more and more.


Originally shared by Rich Levin


Apps come bundled with secret Bitcoin mining programs, paper over the practice with EULAs - Boing Boing - http://goo.gl/dc92ZQ


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Drug dealers buy and sell drugs with US Dollars, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be okay with using US Dollars.


Alternately, if this software covertly did folding to assist with cancer research, would you dislike cancer research?


I'm not saying that using another person's CPU to make money isn't tacky.  Just don't let bad people spoil your opinion of a neutral entity.  Target your the blame on the people doing it, not the currency.

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You don't have anyone to complain to with cash either.  It doesn't mean people don't use it.  This will encourage encryption and security standards to up their game.  I don't know much about bitcoin, but I'm sure it will also be insured eventually through the people you store the money with (like banks and the federal government do currently with USD).


It'll take time.

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Yes, I get that, George Kozi. But even slimeballs won't bother to write a program to steal your resources if it's not going to accomplish anything. I'm still trying to understand how they are making more than a few bucks at this. Do these programs use only CPU? How many nodes they have computing for them?

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