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Titanium backup really sped up my phone

G+_Cody Diehl

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Titanium backup really sped up my phone.  My phone (original Droid Razr Maxx) has been running very slow for months.  I had been trying every suggestion I could find to try and speed it up.  I finally was fed up and was about to do a factory reset but decided to first root and install titanium backup to make the process  or re-installing my apps easier.  I ran Titanium backup and something magical happened, it sped up my phone.  I mean it really made it feel like new.  It also switched my wallpaper back to the default wallpaper.  Anyway, has anyone had this same experience and do you know why it occurs?

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Cody Diehl it's impossible to say since you're not clarifying what you mean by "slow". There are many things that can go wrong, and they exhibit themselves in different kinds of slow.


That said, I can't think of any kind of slowness that a backup could solve. A backup is inherently a read-only operation and shouldn't affect any behaviour.

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Elias Mårtenson  By slow I mean that apps would take forever to load (especially apps like Chrome, Google Now, Swiftkey, etc).  In order to try and speed up my phone I also tried an app that automatically cleans the cache as well as an app called Greenify (which is a root app which is supposed to speed up the phone by keeping unused apps from being active in the background and eating up RAM).  


I now run the backup anytime my phone starts to slow down like this and it speeds it up again.   I don't understand it but I like it.


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My guess (and it is jsut that): during the backup it is suspending the apps so it can back them up, and one of them is mis-behaving - so shutting down that app releases resources.  Not the most elegant solution, apps like greenify do this (without backing up your data) ... but whatever works!


Personally, I would try to identify the app that is hogging up your phone and exterminate it permanently ...

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TJ Evans Interesting theory. There is an option in Titanium to pause active apps during the backup. I have always used this option. Is it possible for a misbehaving app to do so by degrees? What I mean is that the slow down of my phone happens gradually. Could the hypothetical misbehaving app accumulate errors or whatever over time that add up to further and further bog down the phone? If your theory is right shouldn't a soft reset (power cycle) do the same thing? Because it doesn't.

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