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Question: PC games, or console games?

G+_George Kozi

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I think it really depends on the style of game that you want to play. I think console does better with action games and JRPGs. While PC is better for FPS, RTS, and games with complex controls. Both have some really interesting options and indie games that offer very solid bang for the buck.


On console I have been spending a lot of time on Assassin's Creed and Need for Speed. On PC it has been Borderlands 2 and Rouge Legacy.

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This so kind of a loaded question. With the new consoles out right now it's going to be very hard to build a pc that can match their power for price. Plus being a pc gamer requires you to keep drivers and your os up to date which is way easier now then ever, but some people may not do this as often as needed. Consoles are really made for the plug and play gameplay experience. Also some games will always be exclusive to consoles so that is another thing to keep in mind depending on what you like to play. I still think the pc can give you the best gaming experience though since you can upgrade components pretty easy nowadays and a good pc can pretty much outperform even the newest consoles.

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Bang for your buck: PC hands down. Just look at some of the recent Steam and Amazon sales. Higher initial investment, great savings later.


Richer game experience: depends on what you mean by rich. Personally, I think PC wins again. Modding games is becoming very easy.


Consoles will always have their exclusives, but PC has plenty (such as League of Legends). Most of the high-profile AAA games will port to PC, even if it takes a little while. Games like Skyrim are superior on PC due to mods and availability of console commands. I'm never going back.

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