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If one of them wins, we all lose

G+_George Kozi

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Originally shared by George Kozi


If one of them wins, we all lose.


When it comes to social media platforms and Tech Jugganauts, I don't like the idea of somebody winning.


I want a strong Facebook (yick... saying that left a weird taste in my mouth), I also want Apple and Google and Microsoft, and Samsung to be at each other's throats all the time.


I want them to push each other out of the way to get to my wallet, I want them fighting in the mudpit. In this game, the moment someone wins, we all lose.

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Do you want everyone to be at each other's throats because you think that it means every company needs to be on top form, and innovate to win? I don't think it works like that. In the case of Microsoft, I think their best work has been produced when they are not winning, and have to rethink their products e.g. Windows Phone.


Also, we have to define winning. Is iOS winning, it makes the most money, has the most apps, but Android sells more, iOS isn't even the most popular yet, to a lot of people, it is a shorthand for smartphone.


There are some positives to 'winning'. For example, if you and your friends all have iOS devices, it's easier to recommend apps, and to all use the same apps. E.g. messenger apps, games etc. This convenience is helpful for consumers.


A product winning also helps developers focus on innovative products rather than having to support multiple OSs/versions/devices etc If Apple, Google, Microsoft, Blackberry etc are all strong, would we end up losing innovation?


Sorry, this post was all over the place, but I don't think it is a case of winning is all bad or vice versa.

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