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ChatRoom puzzle

G+_George Kozi

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ChatRoom puzzle...


I was watching TN2 just now, and I said in chat the following: "I think that Sarah Lane wearing her hair up, or tied in a ponytail suits her. I think she should wear it more often that way"


Immediately I was asked to refrain of making any comments about the hosts, "we don't do that here" , somebody said.


I must confess that this little insignificant incident made me feel a bit wexed. I thought that the chatroom was precisely the place where one could offer some unsolicited input. It is a chatroom, isn't it? Or have I missed something? I sometimes go into intere, but I have never encountered this requirement before.


Leo Laporte Lisa Kentzell 

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I'm sure even old guys like us can understand how personal comments could quickly cascade into a series of unflattering and even insulting remarks by less mature chat room participants.  I wouldn't venture to remark about someone's appearance on TWiT unless it was obviously meant to be funny or corny.


I would not talk about someone's weight, hair colour, make up, and certainly I would never put up a remark about Sarah's Cats.  The creepy factor I would think is what has to be monitored fairly closely.


If you've never had the misfortune of seeing the devastation caused by online remarks to a woman, count yourself lucky.  I can testify it is not a pretty sight.

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I haven't even realized this was a problem. Ever since I started to go to the chatroom, I always encountered remarks of one kind or another about what we saw on the screen.


I''m sure people made tons of comments about Tom Merit's jacket or about some thing or another that Leo wore on his head.


Even today, after I left the chatroom. Sarah Lane responded to a chatroom comment about her makeup.  It may just be my me not getting it...

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yeah, Sarah normally gets a lot of comments about her hair, make-up, or sometimes the shirts she wears.  i've sat in the chat room on TNT pre-show and after show, iPad pre/after show, and on iFive.  especially on iFive she sometimes ask about her appearance.  Yes there are trolls out there who well like to act like trolls.  those people are promptly kicked as they should be.  However, i have made the same exact comment before about her wearing her hair up and nothing at all was said to me.  

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I used to hang in chat for each of the shows. It was the primary reason I watched live. Over the last several months the CR has gotten too weird and bully-ish. Notes to Leo have failed reply so I rarely go into the CR now and have reduced my show watching to fewer shows and only by downloading with Downcast.

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