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Moto X , Lost It 's Voice Key ??

G+_P Costello

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 Moto X , Lost It's Voice    ... Key ??


OK, Android faithful ...  I got the Moto X 32G Byte with AT&T as the carrier to replace my ancient but highly accessorized  Motorola ATRIX. Motorola gave me a 100 buck trade up offer since they abandoned all OS upgrades at the Gingerbread level.


I like the phone and all the Touchless and Google Now features of the now KitKat OS model. What I found lacking and I miss it, is the "voice key" on the keyboard.  Seems like Moto X (other KitKat phones?) have lost the microphone key that allowed speech-to-text input. Maybe it was because such a feature collides with the built-in voice activation features, (How would you get such a keyboard to do a speech-to-text of "OK Google Now" :-). 


 Do any of you experts have any ideas on why it's gone.  Can it be found in another app (I'll be trying Smart Keyboard soon) with little or no severe side-effects, particularly keeping the touchless voice activation unscathed?

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If you must have an "on keyboard" voice recognition button I suggest purchasing SwiftKey (which uses Google's speech recognition) or Swype (which uses Dragon Voice recognition). Both are excellent keyboard replacements and won't put to much of a dent on your resources or adversely  impact the moto x's new features. 

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I have had my Moto X since Christmas, have not seen the microphone (voice dictation) button on any keyboard that I have had appear on the phone. Sometimes I like to fill out a form text input box or the like without fingering the keyboard. Instead of the mic button I generally just see a comma "," key instead, never the old audio speech-to-text key.

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