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Will there be a spike in PC sales in March-April this year?

G+_George Kozi

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I'm a Windows user, I always was, mainly because Apple priced itself out of the market segment I'm in. That hasn't changed.


I still feel that if I buy a Mac, I'll need to relearn everything from scratch, and I will overpay for the privilege. 


That doesn't mean that I think Apple stuff is not good. I suspect it is quite good... It is just not the right fit for me.

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I currently use Windows, OS X, Android and ChromeOS. I can't say any of them is bad and each handle their designated jobs very well. I'm running a Mac mini right now because the price was right. If I had a particular piece of crucial software that only worked on one system that would limit my options but for general purpose use everybody wins.

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Lee Ball I started with Linux back when Slackware came on a stack of diskettes. I've used Slackware, Red hat, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and probably a few I forgot. The troubles with updates breaking various multimedia devices finally wore me down. For a server I'd go straight to Linux but for a home desktop it was too much like being at work.

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Current XP users are unlikely to replace the hardware until it has to be replaced. I expect you will see them replace the machines at current replacement rates. Users will replace the machines with Chromebooks, Tablets, Apple devices and Windows 8 devices. So I think you will see an increase in Windows 8 users but a continuing decline in total Windows users.

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The cost of not fixing it could very high. Think about it. Irreplaceable business records could be corrupted beyond recovery. Personal memories like photos, blogs, novels, art work, original music files, or video recordings lost forever. The financial cost of an intruder getting & messing with bank records or accounts is just too high.


I've seen what it's like when XP is attacked with no defenses. I was working for a computer distributor for local school districts in the summer of 2003. I watched as the Blaster worm ran wild in August. Blaster turned brand new Dell & HP machines into useless & looping zombies. It cost the Dallas ISD millions in cleanup costs & lost productivity. Ignorant teachers kept reinfecting servers with their take home laptops, which lead to more machines getting infected. It's not a pretty picture. Those lessons have been lost. Perhaps XPocalypse will remind folks just how bad it can really get.

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As today's The Tech Guy stated that on April 9, 2014 MSWXP will become infected because the bad guys know that there will no longer be any security updates unless the computer isn't on the Internet. There are still Millions if not Billions of ATM machines still running MSWXP dishing/spewing out all those $20 bills. Aw what a shame if those machines should get hacked on 4-9-14 Huh?

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