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Simple question: what is the best gamer keyboard out there, and why?

G+_George Kozi

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Nice troll bait George Kozi :p



The answer, not surprisingly is, it depends!


The number one question to answer is:


Do you want a separate device for gaming or would you prefer one full size keyboard to both game and for regular usage--or maybe only occasional usage such as messaging while gaming?

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Had this for years. Died recently. It's a full keyboard and compact. Want something similar that's wireless. Haven t found anything I like. One I've bought is slow and unreliable there for unacceptable for gaming . The other is a Logitech it's a bit bulky but it's reasonably reliable.


Having wasd and arrow keys as independent simultaneous input is critical to gaming performance imho.

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I consider myself to be a hardcore gamer, and I've never had any interest in a dedicated "gaming" keyboard.  They're all well and good, but a regular keyboard has everything you need. 


Perhaps it's because I have no interest in MMOs, but I've never felt that my gaming lacked because of it, never felt "man, I wish I had more buttons".


What do the people who use these play?  They're cool looking, but why spend the money?


Don't get me wrong -- I'm not a cheapskate.  My wife and I both use the Logitech Performance mouse, so I'm fine with spending money for quality.

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I have the a one handed "gaming keyboard" too (Logitech G13) and I find it useful for a few reasons (I know razr makes one, don't think there's a huge difference...save maybe the software):


1) Easy button referencing, because you do occasionally forget what button does what.  Instead of having to find it in game, there's a separate program (very useful on a 2nd monitor).

2) More buttons readily available...even if I don't use them all, I don't need to feel cramped or annoyed at

3) Not only are the buttons independent, they can also be programmed to be toggle buttons, meaning you don't need to button mash!  You can simply set a button to repeat an action (down to millisecond timing) until pressed again.

4) Thumb controller.  Useless on some games, awesome on others :)

5) If you have more than one machine you game on, your controls obviously follow you, so you don't need to redo the layout in any game.


6) This is almost useless, but I did setup my G13 to beat the first level of Command Keen with a single button press.  Is there a use for this...not really.  Was it awesome?  Yup!



I also have a setting for media players.  Things like VLC & FooBar2000 don't have the shortcuts I would expect them too, so I mapped everything I use to that game pad, now I always know where the buttons I need are!  Oh, and they're always in the same place too ;)



I'm not saying I never play without this by any means--but I do find it useful and prefer it to a standard keyboard.  I think it's just a what you're used to thing.

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